To foster each child’s social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development during the first two years of life. Our approach builds an authentic sense of self and lays a foundation for secure relationships, enduring curiosity, and lasting self-confidence.


We Value:

Positive and secure relationships between teachers, infants, and parents


We believe:

  • Learning and development occur through the constant exchange between teachers, parents, infants,  and their environment.

  • Children’s learning and interaction occurs in the context of the bigger picture- their family, community, current developmental needs, temperament, and past experiences.

  • Each child has a unique background and unique needs and contributions, communication between teachers and parents is crucial for the child’s optimal development.

  • Infants and toddlers build trust in their caregivers when their needs are consistently met.

  • Each child’s comfort and success in care is intertwined with his or her secure attachment with parents.


We build relationships by:

  • Encouraging parents to learn about their child’s activities and interests in the childcare setting just as teachers learn about a child’s interests at home.

  • Helping families navigate the early years of parenting to foster a gentle, mutually respectful, attachment based parenting approach.

  • Honoring each family’s unique parenting approach, and integrating their needs into our program.

  • Wearing infants in carriers such as the Ergo or a sling, and encouraging parents to do the same at home.

  • Attentively and consistently responding to infant’s cues for snuggles, rest, and food as soon as needs are expressed.

  • Allowing freedom to explore and interact with other infants.


We Value:

Lasting self confidence and an authentic sense of self        


We believe:

  • Children’s behavior is purposeful and directed at meeting real needs, which are to be valued and respected.

  • Both solitary work as well as collaborative work are necessary for cognitive and social development.

  • Children who learn to care for their bodies feel self confident, self aware, and enjoy caring for themselves.

  • Infants and toddlers explore their world using all of their senses, and their exploration should be observed and celebrated!

  • Capabilities develop in predictable stages/sequences throughout life and at each developmental stage children will be able to do new things.


We build confidence by:

  • Trusting in and supporting a child’s ability to choose what they need to do within the environment at any given time.

  • Modeling kindness and expecting children to practice being kind. In this age group, gentle do-overs are encouraged and gentle touch is modeled in a calm and repeated way.

  • Involving the child in all care activities to allow the child to become an active participant rather than a passive recipient.

  • Presenting opportunities for children to learn how to identify and express their own feelings, and also to recognize and respond to the feelings of other children.

  • Giving children personal space, a right to be alone when they need to, and a right to choose what they want to work with and with whom they want to work.

  • Using developmentally appropriate practices in the classroom.

  • Helping children learn the language to express needs and wants, and learning to read each child’s nonverbal cues for what they need and want so that we can respond.  

  • Consistent, clearly defined limits and expectations to develop discipline.


We Value:

Enduring curiosity and a lifelong love of learning through play


We believe:

  • Children have an essential role in development of an emergent curriculum based on their interests and needs.    

  • Children learn through play. A good teacher can observe children’s play, engage children in play, and extend learning through play.

  • Learning requires interaction, observation, experimentation, and active exploration of real objects and relationships in the environment.

  • Children’s play is their work. Their work is taken seriously and respected by teachers and peers.


We foster curiosity by:

  • Creating curriculum based on children’s interests and presenting new activities each day in a way that is geared toward infants and toddlers developmental needs.

  • Creating a classroom layout which invites exploration and allows children to access materials any time.

  • Providing children with many opportunities for active movement, access to open outdoor play spaces, and cozy places to rest and sleep when they want to.        

  • Encouraging children to work at their own pace and work on an activity for as long as they choose.

  • Trusting in the child to be an initiator, an explorer, and a self-learner.


The Children’s Cottage Infant Toddler Center honors and supports infants to be:


Secure, Competent, Confident, Curious, Cheerful, Attentive, Exploring, Cooperative, Peaceful, Focused, Self-initiating, Resourceful, Involved, Inner-directed, Aware, Interested...... amazing human beings!!